Walk towards the south from tung wan beach to cheung chau beach road . pass by the heliport to hak pai road and reach kwun yam wan 东湾沙滩向南走,经直升机坪便可到达观音湾。
Kwun yam wan is known as " afternoon bay " , with a drinks hut that attracts a core of local regulars towards sundown 另一个叫观音湾,又叫午后湾,那里有家售卖饮品的小店,是岛上一些常客的聚脚点。
Kwan kung pavilion walk uphill along cheung chau sports road and turn right into kwun yam wan road , kwan kung pavilion lies ahead 沿长洲体育路直走上山,转右入观音湾路,关公忠义亭就在前方不远处。
Moving away from the beach and the tung wan area , head uphill and inland along cheung chau sports road and then into kwun yam wan road 离开东湾向山上走,您可沿长洲体育路步行,再沿观音湾路前往关公忠义亭。
The red tide at stanley main beach dissipated later the day while the red tide at kwun yam wan beach dissipated the following day 赤柱正滩发现的红潮在当日稍后时间已消退,而长洲观音湾泳滩的红潮则于翌日消退。